Sunday, February 1, 2009

Module 3: Ethics and Human Relations

It could be argued that Human Relations Development professionals have an important role to play in the formation of a more ethical society. As would be fairly obvious, such a program would appear (at the very least) to take little account of the interests and concerns of those subjected to its measures. Individuals are being treated as means to securing an end – only the end in this case is that of promoting sound ethical behavior.

If an individual thinks something is right for him or her, that makes it right. The biggest problem with this thinking is that it violates obvious ideas of equality. It makes us neglects other peoples’ feelings and interests. If someone’s taste is different from ours, we simply have to accept it. Arguing won’t change it because it is not a rational and intellectual matter.

There are basics that we all need in order to be satisfied in life because we are human. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security person. “Mind your own business” is common English saying which asks for a respect of privacy. It means “you should stop meddling in what does not concern you. It is not polite to interfere in other people business or to tell people what to do when you are not responsible for other people.” This saying may be true in certain situation. Everyone has their own privacy. They have the right to do their things as long as it does not break the laws. However, we should concern about what our family. In the aspect of caring for our family members, the statement “Mind your own business” is not appropriate anymore as we should care about our family.

It is our responsibility to create a caring atmosphere in order to live peacefully and harmony. We expect every members of our community will work towards ensuring that such an atmosphere exists. Thus, we have to prepare members of the community for the full responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behavior. Inappropriate behavior will result in consequences. What we do today will affect tomorrow. Therefore, prevention of immoral behavior in the society is our responsibility because if everyone does their part, the society would have lesser ethical problems.

Our behavior plays an important role in the society. The statement “Follow what I say, not what I do” means what we say and what we do are different. I personally do not agree with that. What we say reflect what we think about certain things. For example, if we say that smoking is bad for health, then, we should not smoke because it is not good for our health. We should not say something but do others.

In this module 3, the learning point is we should do our parts by being ethical towards the society. We should uphold the responsibility to prepare the future generation to face the challenges.

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